Focus on what matters

Create Your Roadmap

Go from “Where do I begin?” to  I’ve Got This, Bring it on!”

5 Simple Tools to Figure out What to Focus on


Hey there! 

I know there never seems to be enough hours in the day and with your chosen line of work may be compelled to earn your badge of honor by self-sacrificing your own needs (eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, self-care . . . just another thing to add to your never-ending to-do list!) for the sake of your mission. 

Overwhelm is an understatement of what’s really happening. 

You know something’s got to give and quite frankly you’re not sure if you have anything left to give.

You want your passion for your work to be reignited, yet not let it take over your entire personal life.

When you have a true sense of who you’re meant to be, this translates to operating from a flow state; one that’s in alignment with your core values.

Your renewed spirit will invigorate you and positively impact all areas of your life!

No one seems to have the answers you need – you’ve asked your co-workers, your friends, your significant other and turned to a few podcasts or webinars for clues. 
You’ve been meaning to schedule an appointment with your therapist and your well-intended effort of reading a new self-help book you were so proud to pick up is now collecting dust on your bookshelf.
THIS ISN’T EASY.  If it were, you totally would’ve figured it out by now.  
Why didn’t that new time management technique you tried a few weeks ago do the trick, let alone stick?
No matter how you plan out your day, you’re still pulled into put out fires, are constantly interrupted, and are faced with a barrage of issues ranging from kids, pets, your partner, your parents and a slew of other home front activities you’ve over-committed yourself to!

Operating from a place of center starts with intention.

It gives you permission to pause and is the sought-after gift of time you need to think deeply and reflect.

You haven’t had the time to dedicate to this (which by the way is one of the things we’ll work on together) .

HINT: This is a total gamechanger!  

Hi, I'm Gilda!(prounounced Jill-dah btw)

I’ve worked with professionals like you with a range of challenges.

Work-Life Balance Challenges like:

Obstacles like these are relatively common and something I too have struggled with . . .

You’re not alone . . . 

In fact, it’s one of the reasons I’ve created the Take Charge of Your Life Coaching Program.  


I'm here to help you create a beautiful new way to operate from that's uniquely yours!

When I felt stressed and overwhelmed, all I could think of is that another 24 more hours in a day is all I really need to fix this.  

I had no idea that it wasn’t about the latest and greatest time management techniques or hacks.

After a long road of reflection, significant trial and error and an entire collection of hundreds of self-help books later, I’m closer to figuring it out!

I would love to help bring you to a place where your “default operating mode” is from a place of calm.

I’ve been where you are and I can give you the shortcuts, insights and tactical tools to get you there!

Personal Development Coaching Programs

Beginning Journey to a Fresh Start

Things aren’t working the way they’re supposed to and you have no idea how far off your path you’ve veered. You need help getting on track.

A 6 Month Series of 24 Coaching Sessions

Weekly Personal Development Coaching with accountability support for professionals struggling with overwhelm and have no idea where to start; ideal for first time coaching clients.

massage, recovery, relaxation

Bring Back Balance

You have an idea of what’s getting in your way but have been stuck in moving past it; You need guidance and practical strategies that you can integrate into your life for good.

A 6 Month Series of 24 Coaching Sessions

Weekly Personal Development Coaching with accountability support for professionals struggling with where to focus their attention and setting boundaries for maximum effectiveness at work and home; ideal for those who may have done some self-help work on their own but want to take it to the next level.

raise, challenge, landscape

Take Charge of Your Life!

You’ve figured out your challenges, have stepped up your game and have already made strides in improvement.  You’re now ready to take it to the next level and reclaim your most authentic life and show up as the next best version of yourself!

A 6 Month Series of 24 Coaching Sessions

Weekly Personal Development Coaching with accountability support for professionals who are no longer in overwhelm and desire to create life on your terms with a focus on living in the present moment and operating in alignment with your core values.

"Gilda is an excellent listener and very personable; she genuinely cares about helping. I felt encouraged because she appreciated the value of my business and what I have to offer. Rather than critiquing my elevator pitch (that I was working on) she echoed what she heard me say. This helped me see how I’m still not crystal clear about my mission. I hope to work with her again to come up with ways to serve my clients better by responding to their needs. I think this will help because internally, a lot of people know in their heart the thing that they need to do. It's the thing that scares them and that's why they aren't getting results. For many people opening up on the call about their action steps, this will be their first time actually saying the thing that they know they need to do aloud to another person. That in itself is a major breakthrough."
Terry Lofgren