Supporting you as a leader has two main components:

1 – Working Healthier Strategy Meetings – a safe space, where you as a leader share your day to day challenges, gain fresh perspectives outside the organization that lead to powerful co-created solutions – not ones mandated by a set of recommendations according to an Action Plan you weren’t involved in. You decide whether to implement these game-changing ideas immediately or save them for later.
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2- Executive Leadership Coaching –  profound engagement on a personal and professional level.  The Non-Profit Path clients find this to be an invaluable resource as their official “Sounding Board,” especially since their duties require them to direct staff and interface with the Board, they often don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off of from a neutral place.
Having access to this level of support and a sound environment to fully express your deepest concerns and opinions and use this as a springboard for your thought process, approach and perspective — all essential tools in your leadership toolkit.
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