Signs you’re off Balance & What to do about it -in 10-15 minutes or less
Signs you’re off Balance & What to do about it – in 10-15 minutes or less It’s relatively easy to tell when you’re getting off balance – although you may not wish to admit it. Why? Well, then you might actually have to do something about it and who has the time for one more […]
What COVID isolation made me grateful for
Right before the holidays, my older daughter was diagnosed positive with COVID, after practicing with her volleyball team. She ended up passing it along to myself and my husband. Fortunately, we all had both COVID shots, which seemed to result in a milder case than if we hadn’t. At least that’s what I heard. Getting […]
A Forced Reminder to Rest
A Forced Reminder to Rest With flu and cold season upon us and some COVID variants sprinkled in, the groundwork has been laid to actively remind us to pause when we’re running too fast or spread ourselves thin. Sometimes we just keep chugging along without even realizing it and then BAM! at the drop of […]
The Art of Letting Go
So hard to do, right? That’s the point. It’s not supposed to necessarily be hard, or is it? Here’s where we get in trouble: when what we expect doesn’t match up with what actually happens or what we hope will happen. It’s about the attachment to the outcome – not necessarily the outcome itself. Let’s […]
Missing the Rainbow – the Magical Moments of Life
Missing the Rainbow – the Magical Moments of Life Have you ever gotten so involved in your own duties that you missed out on a beautiful moment in your life? Then proceeded to kick yourself for missing it? The other day, there was a gorgeous rainbow; in fact, a super bright double rainbow that I […]
My top FAQ: What exactly is Coaching?
Personal Development Coaching is a process that gives you a unique perspective, one you and those around you generally can’t really see (since you’re in it). It’s almost like having access to a magic wand to make the changes in your life you truly desire – only it requires a bit of planning, effort […]
Figuring out the Work-Life Balance Equation
Figuring out the Life-Balance Equation Ever have a rollercoaster of a week where one day everything seems to flow beautifully and the very next day you wonder what the hell happened? This seems to be a pattern I’ve noticed and am interested in figuring out why. What better way to peel back the layers than […]
Hey! Watch your Language! *^#@!
Hey! Watch your Language! *^#@! I’m not talking about the “F” Bomb per se, but words that are even more detrimental to your well being. Phrases like: “You’re killing me.” “I couldn’t possibly_______.” “I can’t stand ____________.” “Why is this happening to me?” You might not even be aware that you’re saying it; as it’s […]
One of those days . . .
Ever have one of those days? Ever have one of those days . . . the one you planned to go a certain way – the one where you’re going to get so much done, but your day seemed to have a mind of its own and ended up in the complete opposite direction? You […]