Ever feel like you’re in a constant battle with burnout?

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“It’s the feeling of being overwhelmed by never-ending demands to the point where it’s like I can’t keep up no matter how hard I try” or
“My once-burning passion for the mission has become a dim flicker, and now I question whether I’m making any real difference.
Sound familiar?
Burnout, what we tend to so proudly wear as the “badge of busy;” tends to show up as emotional exhaustion, a constant state of overwhelm, often teetering on the bring of fatigue.
Not too far behind burnout is its faithful side-kick, compassion fatigue.
It happens when we give so much of ourselves to others, often neglecting our own well-being. Compassion fatigue is real, and it can erode our effectiveness and passion for the mission.
You chose this line of work because of your desire to help others, create change and have a positive impact in the world.
How did keeping your team motivated, while enduring burnout and compassion fatigue somehow become one of your job duties, let alone the one that seems to have cast its shadow everywhere you turn?

You’re not alone. 

Burnout is especially pervasive in the non-profit industry. 
According to a recent McKinsey study of global non-profit organizations, nearly one in four employees are experiencing burnout symptoms, resulting in six times more employees wanting to leave their jobs within the next three to six months.
It’s an unwelcome companion, given our lean staffing, limited resources, and a relentless commitment to our mission.

What’s the real cost of burnout to you and your organization?

Consider the heavy toll it has on:

Employee Retention & Engagement


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Health & Wellbeing

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Lost Opportunities

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Legal & Compliance Issues

Reputation Damage



Most importantly . . . the ability to fulfill your mission

In a valiant effort to address this formidable challenge,

Maybe you've tried . . .

Training Programs

For specific skill gaps

Your own Initiatives

such as developing & implementing “Team Norms”

Hiring an outside consultant

Following their programs with little to no impact 

Involving HR

or other Departments who have a different perspective

Attending Conferences

Learning Industry Best Practices to see if they apply to your organization


Listening to podcasts, reading articles & books for the right solutions & planning/investing in off-site events

Although these initiatives are great for inspiration, their effects tend to fade over time. 
Before you know it, you find yourself right back where you started, or even a few steps behind.


The reason?
These methods focus on surface-level solutions, but don’t delve into the root problems that have sneakily creeped into part of our daily operations. 
Burnout is just the tip of the iceberg.
The underlying challenges run much deeper – such as teams working in isolation, unresolved conflicts, a lack of collaboration or a slow building (usually harbored) level of toxicity that could dangerously implode at any moment.
Addressing burnout is like putting a band-aid on a deep wound – it might cover it temporarily, but won’t facilitate true healing.
 The real problem extends beyond skill gaps; it calls for a deeper understanding and personalized support.

It's time for an innovative approach that tackles burnout, the "badge of busy," and compassion fatigue head-on!