We empower mission-driven organizations to create healthier, happier teams from the inside out, so that they supercharge their impact, without the burnout sacrifice.

On an individual level, we help successful leaders and working professionals get their life back and actually enjoy it, so they can handle the never-ending pressures at work and make time for what matters most to them.

Wishing for more hours in the day?

5 Simple Tools to Figure out what to Focus on

stress, relief, help

Constantly in “catch-up” mode?

Too many balls in the air?                (and secretly afraid one will drop, or maybe it already has)

There never seems to be enough time to get it all done!

Hi, I'm Gilda (pronounced Jill-dah btw)

I empower teams to dig into tough issues, so they can work more effectively and collaboratively to have a greater impact on those they serve.

I also help successful leaders and professionals, overcome burnout and create sustainable balance.

Together, we uncover the real reasons blocking your success, dive deep into mindset work and create new frameworks to operate from that better serve you.


So, maybe you've tried a few things . . .

That self-help book you picked up a few months ago (great intention, but it’s starting to collect dust on the shelf).
Venting about your workload releases stress temporarily but doesn’t fix the problem.
Trying the latest and greatest productivity hack works for a hot minute until it doesn’t (you know, that new shiny object syndrome luring you into its vicious cycle . . . we’re oh too familiar with).
With a never-ending “to-do” list, it’s no wonder you’re overwhelmed, stressed and on the brink of burnout
Ready to just lie down or better yet binge watch your favorite Nextflix show while downing a pint of ice-cream or that bag of chips (or both)!

Hey, I get it!

One of the balls in my juggling act fell hard (my health) and like a row of dominoes, made everything out of whack!
I used to work myself into the ground on a regular basis . . . until I reached my breaking point. When my daughter was 3 years old, I ignored all signs of being under the weather and pushed through it.  I ended up with pneumonia – barely being able to take care of myself let alone her or my husband.  I had to send her away for so long that my Mom and Mother-in-Law actually had to take turns watching her until I fully recovered!
"I have been able to set boundaries around my time by implementing a strategy Gilda helped me to develop. These have helped to set expectations and keep me on track. I feel more in control of my time and empowered because I’m setting the intention of how my time will be managed. I have a system in place of when I will address emails/return voicemail. It’s consistent, it’s fair, it’s reasonable and my teammates and external parties know when I’m available to them. This has been a game changer. I feel less stressed out about finishing tasks because I have times that I can focus on my duties and not being pulled in many different directions. I’m able to get things done. The experience has been great and I learn something new each time!"
Tara Gilead-Johnson
Founder, Life Purpose Unlocked

There is no easy or one-size fits all answer; nor is this an overnight process.

Imagine how it would feel to . . .

It’s not about applying the latest and greatest time management or productivity tools (they definitely have their uses).  
It’s so much deeper than that! It starts with your mindset, what drives you and your actions. 
We then take the best of the best strategies that actually work for you, tips, tricks and hacks, test drive them, plug them into your routine life and make sure you’re on a sustainable path to begin living from a centered state. 

I’m a certified Life Coach, lifelong student of personal growth who’s gone down a path of work-life struggle . . . and helped professionals like you bring back the balance.

After working with Gilda, I feel "much more at ease in my head space and back on track. I prioritized my list and have an idea of new potential clients I could talk to (and build) more organic relationships."
Diane Nichols
Nichols Virtual Assistant


daisy, heart, flowers

If you need someone who actually “gets you,” has your best interest at heart, and is determined to help you integrate balance into your world; with a mix of practical tools, mindset work and profound insights, I’ve got your back!

"Gilda is an excellent listener and very personable; she genuinely cares about helping. I felt encouraged because she appreciated the value of my business and what I have to offer. Rather than critiquing my elevator pitch (that I was working on) she echoed what she heard me say. This helped me see how I’m still not crystal clear about my mission. I hope to work with her again to come up with ways to serve my clients better by responding to their needs. I think this will help because internally, a lot of people know in their heart the thing that they need to do. It's the thing that scares them and that's why they aren't getting results. For many people opening up on the call about their action steps, this will be their first time actually saying the thing that they know they need to do aloud to another person. That in itself is a major breakthrough."
Terry Lofgren